Will Holmes is Founder of WHC. Since 2006, Will Holmes and his team have served government agencies, financial institutions, universities and thousands of growing companies across the globe.


If you are an aspiring business owner who wants to increase revenue, add jobs and scale your company, you are in the right place. 


You will find events, resources, downloads and the "Find A Need. Fill A Need. Get Paid." book series and classes. We are contracted by government agencies to train entrepreneurs. Our award-winning curriculum has over 400 graduates and over 85% have increased revenue and added jobs in their communities. 


This site is for entrepreneurs, by entrepreneurs.

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Mentoring and Coaching

Sign up for one-on-one business growth sessions with Will Holmes. Meet once, twice or 4 times per month. 


Money Maryland 2024

Attend our free regional conferences across Maryland. Gain access to resources, free training and more.


WHC Lending

Our lending options help fuel the growth of business owners just like you. Let's see how we can help you fund your business idea. 

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Cash Flow Rules Everything Around Me

Take this free class on how to use the WHC 12 Month Cash Flow Tool to track your expenses, brainstorm revenue ideas, determine the profitability of your business idea and prepare to talk to a lender or investor. We use this tool in all our training programs and the business owners love how it helps them plan their growth and access capital. 

Watch the free class and download the WHC 12 Month Cash Flow Tool

About Will Holmes

Will Holmes is Founder of Will Holmes Consulting (WHC): whcusa.com and Founder of the Baltimore Economic Leadership League: joinbell.org

Will Holmes has helped thousands of entrepreneurs since 2006. He is an award-winning business advisor who leads his consulting firm, WHC. He is Chairman Emeritus of the Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce. He is Entrepreneur in Residence at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. He is Founder of the Baltimore Economic Leadership League. Additionally, his award-winning curriculum “Find A Need. Fill A Need. Get Paid.” is taught to hundreds of business owners each year through his firm’s contracts with the U.S. Small Business Administration, The National Disability Institute, Anne Arundel County Economic Development, Charles County Government and Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. Will is considered as one of the best business management consultants in the United States. 

More about Will Holmes
"Will serves as Mentor in Residence for The Johns Hopkins Carey Business School's Community Consulting Lab. Will did a phenomenal job teaching and guiding our business students as they worked with small business owners in Baltimore. He brought passion, professionalism and tested business expertise to our students every time he met with them. They are fortunate to learn from him and the Carey Business School is proud to partner with him. I would recommend partnering with Will on any project or venture. He will be prepared, excited and eager to help you and your organization improve and get results." 
- M. Doyle, Johns Hopkins Carey Business School
"Will Holmes is a coach's coach. Not only has he guided numerous businesses in the Baltimore area and abroad, but I know from working in the same circles that his best practices have groomed and guided many of us who are not coaches but find ourselves in situations and jobs that require us to teach, motivate and inspire others. Will and his team at WHC have the experience and connections to help you grow your business. Talent alone does not make winners. There is a reason why professional sports teams have coaches. It’s not because they don’t know how to play the game, it’s because we all need someone to help us craft a plan and remind us when we stray from it. If you and your team could use some help crafting your plan and sticking to it, I would suggest you give Will a call.."
- J. Peterson, M&T Bank
"I would like to express my thanks and my strong recommendation of this excellent program. I also have the highest respect and admiration of the excellent job performed by Will Holmes, my Business Mentor.  He presented to and coached my cohort with great enthusiasm and an engaging approach.  It takes someone with unique talent to teach commercialization to such a varied group of research professionals.” 
- H. Pluenneke, Fairmount Technology LLC

Key Concepts For Growth

Take control of your business growth with these comprehensive courses.

Accessing Capital 



Marketing and Selling B2B, B2G, B2C



Building a Profitable Business



CEO Mindset 



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